Monday, May 28, 2012

Northern California Food

Our local restaurant fare has driven at least one New York writer over the edge. From Saturday's WSJ, consider:
"The following year, Patterson opened Coi, his intimate San Francisco oasis. There, he delights in poking fun at endemic gastronomic stereotypes, but instead of rejecting that legacy wholesale, Patterson elevates it. His California Bowl takes on brown rice and avocado in the form of paper-thin, crispy-does-it "chips" (think papadum) and a creamy-smooth dip."
And it continues on, and on, and on in that vein.
It should be actionable, "maltreatment and disrespect of the language." At least.

Golden Gate's 75th Birthday Celebration

(One of the above should work)

Happy Birthday!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ridge Vineyards

A bit above my price point, but we're enjoying a Zinfandel from Ridge's Pagani Ranch. I was interested in the 5% Alicante Bouschet grape that is blended. So far, so very good. Very fruity and tangy. No tannin that I can detect. Highly recommended for an aggresive meat dish.
Try it. Let me know what you think.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Typical Friday in the Napa Valley

So, it's trite and touristy, but if you know good folks (like us!) you can make a memorable tour out of an afternoon in Napa. How about a visit to the Hess Collection on Mt. Veeder?
Up 29, West side of the Valley, typical stuff. We sidetracked off to Redwood Road, West of Napa, through a typical subdivision, past a few road splits, looking (and praying?) for the first of only the two signs, through forest, tight turns, redwood trees, narrow mountain roads, and then...
The tasting room is on the left, but there are two floors of absolutely wonderful art pieces collected by Donald Hess. Stunning stuff, mostly over sized, and superbly done.

All this on the side of a mountain on the West side of Napa Valley. You don't get here by mistake, believe me; you have to know what you want.
And yes, there's wine. Good stuff. Just look for "Hess Collection" at your local wine shop. And, next time you're in the neighborhood, please visit. You'll have a memory for life.