Monday, June 25, 2012

Food events

'Twas a busy, food-infused week.
First, from our Atlanta house guests, a simply crabmeat and egg omelet, qua pizza. You should definitely try this. (Crab meat is available in a can, if fresh is not in season.)
And then, on the weekend, off to Tilden Park, just past the steam trains, to a celebratory picnic for a young 90-year-old friend from UCBerkeley. Food was catered by "Rick & Ann's" although Rick and Ann have long been divorced. The Birthday Youngster is on the left.
Followed by a stop at a strip mall in Pleasant Hill at "Kobe Japan," a restaurant run by a very inventive Chinese-American who has learned the Japanese way of food very well:

All in all, a succesful week. :)

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